The List

Ho, ho, ho! Happy holidays! My last name is as Jewish as ever, but I do not identify with a sole religious affiliation. My mom is Christian and my dad is Jewish. Technicalities aside, I will always say I am half Jewish out of respect for my ancestors who have survived the Holocaust and antisemitism. 

Getting people together and celebrating life any way possible is one of my favorite things to do. I figured it is time to reveal my naughty list. Under my nice list, you’ll find the healed practices of the aforementioned naughty behaviors. Note that no one is immune to falling into naughty practices. When I recognize them within myself, it is up to me to take accountability. We’re all human and the best versions of ourselves are always yet to come.


  • Never-ending complaints about the same situation

  • Sulking in misery for an extended period of time

  • Victim mindset 

  • Primarily breathing through your mouth

  • Lying to protect any image, including your own

  • People pleasing

  • Perceiving rejection to be personal


  • Turning complaints into action items towards a better outcome

  • Expressing gratitude for all that life has to offer

  • Survivor mindset

  • Primarily breathing through your nose

  • Embracing the truth even if it doesn’t paint you in the best light by your standards

  • Pleasing yourself - you have one life!

  • Acknowledging that rejection guides you further along your destined path

Anything you’d like to share? Comment down below, I can always revise this list and give credit where credit is due.

Emily Frenkel

Eager to make the world a better place by democratizing the wellness space. Looking forward to working with you!

Time Is Ticking


Family Matters