Family Matters

As the holiday season approaches, I find myself reflecting on the significant transitions my family has undergone in the past couple of years. Navigating this time of year has been a challenge, as I long to be there for my loved ones while simultaneously grappling with the toll it takes on me. It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing my family dynamics to others and wishing for changes in elements beyond my control.

In the midst of these challenges, I've come to terms with estranged family members, recognizing that estrangement is a two-way street. Our perceptions of others often reflect aspects of ourselves, and understanding the backstory leading to the present moment has been crucial to navigating interpersonal conflicts. I've learned that it's not my place to judge, and this reminder keeps me grounded, acknowledging that as individuals, we can only do so much.

Reaching success starts with your mindset. Do you believe it is possible? If so, how? You have more answers to your own questions than you may realize. Sometimes, the catalyst for transformation comes from being asked the right questions. If you're uncertain about your path, the mere fact that you're here today seeking self-improvement indicates that you're on a journey worth exploring.

As I delved into sources of inspiration, I stumbled upon the story of Shiza Shahid, the Co-founder of the Malala Fund. Starting her journey at just 22, a year out of college, Shiza immersed herself in the nonprofit sector, later investing in businesses and launching her own ventures. An advocate for empowering women, Shiza has actively worked towards leveling the playing field, exemplified in her latest venture, Our Place, where she ensures women have a seat at the table.

The importance of self-care in the pursuit of caring for others cannot be overstated. Showing up as the best version of yourself is the first step in creating a lasting, positive impact on the world. For me, the definition of family has evolved beyond those who share my DNA to encompass those who share similar values. I eagerly anticipate watching my family blossom as we grow old together, finding strength and support in our shared journey.

That is what keeps me going.

I'm curious to know what keeps you going. Feel free to share your thoughts with me. My inbox is open!

Emily Frenkel

Eager to make the world a better place by democratizing the wellness space. Looking forward to working with you!

The List


Waking Up