
Your professional development often go hand-in-hand with your personal development, take the time to assess anyone you would like to work with. When your intuition is pointing you towards support systems that are meant for you, listen. Book a free, exploratory call with your biggest cheerleader, advocate, and growth guru: hyperlinked here. Please note that while an hour is scheduled, exploratory calls are limited to 30-minutes.

Until then, continue being your authentic self and embrace your inner child to attract the energy you are aiming for. Ms.Frenkel’s goal is to help people as meaningfully, as possible, in a way that is customized to their wants and needs.

Startups and Small Business Support

Given Ms.Frenkel’s startup and small business experiences across various departments and industries, sustainable growth is what we should all be reaching for. Due to popular demand, please find these downloadable PDF files to access Ms.Frenkel’s playbooks.

Note: How to Track Data will require your name and email address. It is comprehensive and includes a checklist you don’t want to miss, while noting industry updates in 2024. The rest of the playbooks are free for alls.

How To Track Data

Progress Probes -

P.S. they’re called playbooks because they were fun to write. May you have as much fun as I did, when you have a read! If you have anything you’d like to add, note, or comment on, I’m down to share the fun and share credit where credit is due.

One-on-One Coaching

Based on how the exploratory call goes, personalized sessions are limitless. Ms.Frenkel is available to chat over the phone, over a video call, in person, etc around her working schedule and yours. They will vary based on how you prefer to process and receive information. Everyone has different wants and needs and this is designed to be a safe space for you to express yourself accordingly.

Blog Posts

You will be able to find content Ms.Frenkel has personally prepared for your eyes only. It is a pleasure to connect with others who seek to better themselves. Each post, published monthly, is designed to inspire you. Take a look at the first one and check out the Contact page for information on how to share feedback/ideas you would like to see incorporated in posts to come!

This is designed for you, hence, why your feedback is incredibly valued.


Oh yes! Ms.Frenkel understands the likelihood of you checking in on this site consistently is low. To stay up to date on what you may have missed out, expect to receive monthly emails with your subscription. There will be exclusive content intended to inspire you.

Community of Fellow Dreamers

This will be available on Slack, and is currently put on pause. More updates to come.

Excluding people is never ideal, but to ensure you are able to speak freely in non-judgmental environments, it has to be done. The vetting process is comprised of a few questions to make room for safe, inclusive spaces. Dreamers were born to stand out. Here, your vision will not be held against you. You are encouraged to connect with other ambitious go-getters. Put yourself out there because you never know how your words may resonate with someone who wants to help you or vice versa.

Pay What You Can

Looking for coaching but on a tight budget? Ms.Frenkel wants to help everyone regardless of what they can afford. Chat with her about your circumstances during a free, exploratory call.

Book Now

Support The Mission

Ms.Frenkel is pouring her time into giving back to local communities and nonprofit organizations to create a lasting, positive impact. The goal is to make the growth journey more accessible to those who are seeking to develop themselves.
