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Outsmart The Imposter

I do not know you, but I know that you are my equal. We all were created perfectly imperfect.

Hierarchies are merely man-made and are worthless in the eyes of the higher power(s) you may believe in. The idea of “climbing up the ladder” has been glorified as though it ties into the value someone brings to the table. Cultural norms and beliefs around what it means to be successful varies internationally. Focusing on appeasing expectations others set upon you can impact your mental health negatively. Aligning your time towards your passions and purpose in life can provide intrinsic motivation that does not require external validation.

Truth is, value comes in many forms. The way you perceive worthiness is a reflection of the judgement you place upon yourself. Being human, judgement has allowed us to survive for as long as we have. It is okay to test the waters and experience what it is like to let go of some judgement. You are bound to make choices that you probably would not aim to repeat again. Evolving will never be a linear journey and requires patience. Practice being as kind to yourself as you aim to be with a loved one.

Falling short of expectations breeds symptoms of imposter syndrome. There is no pressure to be perfect that is rooted in reality, you are adequate as is. Stepping into unfamiliar territory will happen when you are in the midst of a growing stage. You will find yourself amongst new people, new scenes, new perspectives, etc. Change can be intimidating when you are not sure how to navigate it. Chat about your thoughts in safe spaces whether it may be a journal, with a mentor, a support group, etc. Mentors need their own set of mentors too. Remember that you are not alone, ever. The only distance we currently have between us is this screen.

Every opportunity you have been granted came from someone who recognized your capabilities. Take it as a sign that you are destined for more than you have achieved thus far. Never give up at doing the things that bring you joy. Confidence goes a long way in every aspect of life.

When you break down big-picture goals into smaller building blocks, you create the foundation to turn your dreams into reality. Document the process to heighten your sense of self-awareness. With project management and time management tools, you are bound to have more clarity around what is realistic and attainable. If you love what you do, what you get in return should not matter in the grand scheme of things. If you do not love what you do, give yourself enough grace to keep exploring.

Celebrate every accomplishment you make in your journey, as you invested time and energy towards getting to where you are today. Amongst underrepresented communities, studies have shown that imposter syndrome is hyper prevalent. If you have ever identified as the minority in a particular setting, you may have noticed how easily you can feel out of place. Feelings are not facts. This negative thinking pattern can lead you to discounting your own skills and abilities or attribute your value to external factors. You are worthy of taking up space in every room you walk into.

People can seemingly look or act like the majority, you will never know how much of what you see is a facade. How many influencers are broke and living off debt? How many rappers are bringing in the heat while feeling cold? How many providers forget to take care of themselves? The questions can go on and on, but you get my point.

No one is immune to the ebbs and flows of life, which is why it is almost laughable to idolize anyone. The best advice is to truly focus on yourself and what is within your control. No two paths are meant to be compared, nor will they ever be comparable. Twins who share the same body still think or feel differently from one another. While that may be an extreme example, it can be easy to forget that walking a mile in your shoes will never equate to the lifetime of steps you have taken. You could be raised in the same household as someone and have entirely different outlooks on life.

Your story makes you unique and is worth being told. Similarly to the way you have found inspiration in others, someone out there is already or will be finding inspiration from you. You never know who that may be. I hope that you are lucky enough to hear those words someday. Even if you don’t, please know that if we’ve ever crossed paths, I thank you for inspiring me to get to where I am today.

I am working on my vision of world peace, one day at a time. While I don’t have the blueprint built out yet, I have fragments of it. With a plan to support my family in Ukraine and repay my support system in the states somehow, I have no doubt in my abilities to do so. Together, we are stronger than we could ever be apart. Let’s talk about how we can make your dreams come true.

To those subscribed to the newsletter, you already know what the next monthly blog post will be about. It’s inspired by Kendrick Lamar’s latest diss track - euphoria, Fraud by Russ, and FRAUD by Jessie Reyez.