Level Up

Who could resist a good ol’ fashioned upgrade? The creators of 7Up were certainly onto something when they created a soda product on the market with 7 ingredients in a 7oz. bottle (Note: competitors were only using 6oz. bottles at the time). Although the name “7UP” was never explained, we do know that “UP” referred to the lithium mood lift. Below you’ll find just how much your mood may be lifted as you step further into the 7 layers of energy without lithium.

It’s uncanny how similar spirituality and religion are. Bruce Schneider's Energy Leadership Index (ELI) raises awareness to identify the energy level we're in. Using signs and examples to paint a clearer picture of an invisible level, we can propel our personal and professional growth.

Level 1: The Victim

Example: Complaining about work conditions without taking any steps to improve them.

Signs to Look Out For:

  • Blaming others for challenges.

  • Feeling a sense of powerlessness.

  • Using phrases like "It's not my fault" or "Why me?"

Action Items: Vent as needed with those you are comfortable with. Identify the choices you have to take control of the situation. Dig deeper to find what beliefs you may be holding onto that do not serve you.

Level 2: The Fighter

Example: Pushing back against feedback and resisting change.

Signs to Look Out For:

  • Engaging in conflicts regularly.

  • Adopting a competitive mindset.

  • Reacting with defensiveness when faced with obstacles.

Action Items: Shift the focus away from the past to the present and how that may shape your future. Take accountability for your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Level 3: The Condoner

Example: Making excuses for not pursuing personal or professional development opportunities.

Signs to Look Out For:

  • Justifying actions even when they may be harmful.

  • Complacency.

  • Staying in a comfort zone to evade difficult situations.

Action Items: Listen to your heart, as opposed to your head. Picture how your values can carry you towards where you would like to be.

Level 4: The Caregiver

Example: Prioritizing others’ needs and wants over your own well-being.

Signs to Look Out For:

  • Being overly sympathetic.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility to care for everyone.

  • Struggling to set boundaries.

Action Items: Explore a win-win outcome for all involved, including yourself.

Level 5: The Opportunist

Example: Identifying your inner strength to drive success.

Signs to Look Out For:

  • Spreading yourself too thinly across all the opportunities in front of you.

  • Toying between multiple prospects.

  • Feeling like you may be missing out.

Action Items: Move towards an inter-connected perspective by identifying how your values tie into your decisions.

Level 6: The Visionary

Example: Leading a team by fostering an environment of innovation and inclusivity.

Signs to Look Out For:

  • Inspiring and empowering others.

  • Building collaborative relationships.

  • Demonstrating a commitment to a shared vision.

Action Items: Utilize your intuition, logic, and emotion to guide the way towards your divine path.

Level 7: The Creator

Example: Successfully launching a groundbreaking project that transforms an industry.

Signs to Look Out For:

  • Embracing uncertainty and change with excitement.

  • Executing visions into reality effortlessly.

  • Operating from a state of flow and creative expression.

Action Items: Find ways to continue detaching from results and focus on the journey.

Self-awareness is a crucial first step toward evolving for the better. We’re all living life for the first time and are bound to move across different energy levels. Remember that you are not alone. May you embark on a deserving journey toward a more empowered and purposeful life.

If you are interested in becoming more equipt in your coaching abilities, I highly recommend iPEC. Reach out directly to me if you would like $595 off your tuition.

Emily Frenkel

Eager to make the world a better place by democratizing the wellness space. Looking forward to working with you!


Flip A Switch

