Code Blue

Politics is never personal, like everything else in life. Each one of us decides what we feel is right based on our life experiences and learnings. Being a bystander has never been appealing to me, please find my letter to Kamala Harris and her administrative team below.

I recommend viewing the flipbook in fullscreen mode. Please check out Women In Tech For Harris when you get a chance. The team and I are working on some pretty cool projects. It would be lovely to have your support to continue to amplify the voices of those underrepresented.

For additional context, I am not a huge fan of labels. “Republican”, “Libertarian”, “Democratic” all have different rings to it, but the thread that crosses these political parties is the fact that every person believes their stances will lead to a better outcome. People tend to think about themselves first and foremost, which is important. However, it is just as important to consider the dynamics across the United States and the rest of the world. Without imports and exports, we would not have achieved the level of success the country has seen thus far.

We are fortunate to have the free will to express ourselves and should not shy away from conversations with loved ones about our values. If we normalize living in fear amongst those who supposedly bring us safety and a sense of familiarity, we will never find peace. There is an abundance of love out there for us to tap into, sometimes it requires letting go of old patterns that never worked well-enough. Facing reality can be tough and my hope is that you have the support you are seeking for every step of the way.

Like the graphic design? Reach out to Wahib Ali to get 10% off his services with code MSF10.

Emily Frenkel

Eager to make the world a better place by democratizing the wellness space. Looking forward to working with you!

Break Free From Fear