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Building Bridges

The world is not black and white, we do not have to limit ourselves to the idea that there is a “right” or “wrong” thing to do. The assumption is that we continuously do the best we can with the information we have at any given point in time. In hopes of doing what we feel is just, we wind up deterring those who hold onto different beliefs. Our beliefs are shaped by our experiences and learnings in life and are prone to evolve.

2024 Presidential Poll Results


The above data points are skewed towards the audience I attract, which is not necessarily reflective of the general population. Based on the qualitative data I’ve gathered from media outlets and conversations, the metrics lined up with my hypothesis. Independent party candidates tend to fly under the radar, but Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. surpasses my expectations. He is giving our Democratic and Republican parties a run for their money despite having limited resources, in comparison.

In conclusion, we can all acknowledge that there is room for improvement. The beliefs we have about how and what to improve may vary, but collectively we want the best for ourselves and our families. “Best” is a concept that we learn from our environment, which is largely why following debates fascinates me. Monitoring the patterns those around us are repeating can help us identify the messages we truly want to live by.

Seemingly Divided, Inherently United

The causes we advocate for publicly and/or privately tend to draw in people who resonate with our messaging. In return, we will draw in a crowd who strongly oppose our stances. You cannot control how others react to what you say or do. Letting things go helps detach yourself from outcomes, which unequivocally places more power back into your hands.

For instance, a few months ago, I had a networking call with someone who called out my LinkedIn banner “Stand for Justice”. They went into a tangent about how those my age have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to conflicts in the Middle East. I let him rant and followed up by asking what he believed my banner to mean. He frantically explained how he got to his conclusions, realizing that there was a web of inferences made based on my age and banner alone. Safe to say, the venting session quickly ended on an odd note. I look forward to our paths crossing again because the man seemingly longed to feel understood and seen. We all do, it is part of the human experience after all.

Mass media throws out catchy headlines that get the people going because it is good for business. Polarizing hot takes are money makers. People feed into it when they’re hungry for something that serves as a distraction. Choosing to succumb to the idea that there is no chance of seeing eye to eye, is the path of least resistance. I had not realized standing for justice would be such a controversial matter. As funny as it is that someone could get so worked up over my LinkedIn banner, it is unfortunate how jaded people have become when they feel deprived of support. As we continue to put ourselves out there, we will find others who share similar values.

Preparing For Conversational Battles

As we broach heavy-hitting topics such as war, let others know if you are emotionally equipped. On the flip side, ask those you would like to better understand if they’re in the right space to chat. You may be able to identify nonverbal and verbal cues that indicate how productive your discussion would be, using this piece for reference. My recommendation is to wait until someone is in at least a Level 3 energy to have a conversation. Additionally, create guidelines and expectations for every participant to meet before going down a windy road. These guidelines will serve as a protective barrier that allows participants to find a win-win outcome.

You may not want to kick it with everybody that comes your way, these are the times silence is powerful. Your primitive impulsive thoughts do not need to be followed through on. Feelings of anger, resentment, and frustration may arise and can be processed in a healthy manner. It is natural to not be so giddy in the midst of a heated conversation. Anger is actually the part of you that loves yourself the most as you seek to protect yourself from getting hurt.

Your feelings should not be glanced over and I trust that you are smart enough to find outlets that do not harm others as you work through it. There is a sense of ease that comes with accepting that the more you lean into your truest self, the more you will attract those who love you for you. The past versions of yourself deserve to be treated with kindness as you let go of the patterns and thoughts that do not serve you.

Serving The Best Version Of You

Peace is attainable once we create more safe spaces to have open dialogues about stereotypically controversial matters. The presumptions associated with the labels we find ourselves gravitating towards may not be true. Having an open mind and open heart will lead you to those you were destined to meet, transform into the person you were meant to become, and accomplish the goals you had never considered previously. Somewhere within the blurry lines, we can find clarity and create a world that we are excited for future generations to take part in.

We have made significant headway towards a less divisive world, democratizing access to information around wellness, mental health, and more. There is no time in history that needs to be repeated. We are far too-advanced for that now. AI (artificial intelligence) has been the talk of the town, although it has been around for years. Many organizations will need to evolve accordingly. While some jobs are getting eradicated, others are being created. You are not alone as you sort through this period of time, it is a shared human experience. Talking about the impact of technology advancements, COVID-19, global wars, etc. provides opportunities for us to find common ground.

Stay Sharp

Resorting to violence, even in defense of an attack is cowardly. Kendrick Lamar said it best - “the one in front of the gun lives forever” in his song, Money Trees. Strength is carried in the words we share with ourselves and with one another. Patience has the ability to restore faith in humanity. When we learn how to communicate effectively with people who are outside of the bubbles we have been exposed to, we eventually understand more about what has led them to think differently.

In the same vein, Mahatma Gandhi has been quoted numerous times with “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” There have been plenty of times in my life when I considered what life would be like if the bad guys got a taste of their own medicine. People know what they’re doing and I figure the guilt they must feel is enough. Karma works in mysterious ways without having to lift a finger, while you practice empathy for those that need it most. Staying mindful of the boundaries you would like to uphold and respecting boundaries others have set in place works wonders when it is put into practice.

Nothing Is Impossible

You cannot expect that everything will go according to plan, at all times. When you catch yourself slipping, pick right back up from where you left off. Restoring faith that there is a fighting chance towards achieving the goals set forth starts within. For every problem, multiple solutions exist. How much do you trust yourself to get the job done to a degree you are proud of? There should always be evidence to support your claims, it will make for a much more credible story.

Take a step back and look at the big picture, there is a plethora of opportunities ahead of us. You are living in the past if you are thinking too far into the future. Seize the now because there won’t be another moment like this again. The life of our dreams requires support from all angles. I am realistically optimistic that dreams can and have come true. Tell me more about your dreams and I’ll tell you how I can support you. You know how to get in touch with me.