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Time Is Ticking

In the midst of the busy holiday season, you may be introducing yourself at parties and networking events. You have about 30 seconds to capture someone’s attention and make a first impression that is worth remembering. This is where your elevator pitch comes in handy. What do you intend to communicate and how do you want that information to come across?

Elevator pitches should vary depending on your audience and what they find interesting. For instance, Americans are usually keen on learning more about what you do for a living. Whereas, someone from Spain is more likely to ask about how you spend your free time. Exposing yourself to people of diverse backgrounds, as frequently as possible, is bound to improve your verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

You build credibility when your words align with your body language and actions. Practice different variations of your pitch in front of a mirror, trusted pal, or camera until you feel confident to introduce yourself to anyone you meet. Make every second count, life is too short not to. Delivering your message clearly and concisely is half the battle, the other half comes down to how convincing you are.

Make it easy for people to understand the value of listening to you. Check in with yourself to ensure that you are practicing what you preach. With practice over time, introducing yourself will feel like a walk in the park. Below are a few bullet points I defer to as a framework:

  • Hobbies - Generally safe to use with Spaniards and others who may want to explore a connection with you, outside of a stereotypical professional setting.

    • Example: I love to cook, write, cycle, dance, hike, and appreciate mother nature.

  • Passions - Use this to develop relationships with those who may be like-minded and share similar goals.

    • Example: I aim to make the world a better place by giving back to the communities that have supported me.

  • Skills - This one is best used for career development opportunities.

    • Example: I am a digital marketing expert with a background in event planning, strategic partnerships, human resources, and sales.

  • Fun Facts - Great way to add spice to conversations.

    • Example: I have been through enough near-death experiences to no longer be afraid of death, and embrace life to the fullest. I am currently working on overcoming my fear of rats. Any tips?

  • Follow Up - If and when you decide that you want to continue chatting with someone new, always remember to exchange contact information.

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