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The Resolution

Can we ditch the whole concept of hating on New Year’s Resolutions? Goal setting followed by achieving those goals gives me the adrenaline rush that my exes wish they could.

In preparation for 2023, last December, I set out to do a 100-mile bikeathon when I still had my beach cruiser. Biking was a form of commuting that became a huge part of my lifestyle. Pretty sure I was made fun of when I committed to the bit. To be honest, I could not be bothered to care. Without knowing what it’s like to train for an opportunity like that, I continuously discovered that I had much to learn about how a biker becomes a cyclist.

The bulk of my research was done via hands-on experiences and conversations with bike experts. I knew my cruiser would not suffice, wound up getting a hybrid with the impression that it would take me from Philly to Atlantic City. Once I reached about 60 miles into my training, I came across a cyclist who told me how desperately I needed to upgrade. By June 11, 2023, the day of the American Cancer Society’s bikeathon, I coughed up about $4,500, tears of joy and healing alike, countless hours of my time, and shed off any bullshit thrown my way.

Additionally, as a part of my New Year’s Resolution, I knew I wanted to give back and support Ukraine in any way I could. Without much money left for me to spare, I leveraged my time to volunteer at Ukrainian Jersey City. I had not planned on becoming their Head of Strategic Partnerships, but I’m very excited about what’s to come. Our Career Hub will be live on the site for all to access and utilize as a resource to attain gainful employment. I am in the business of seeing people win and I do it well.

My time with the nonprofit organization has partially inspired me to offer coaching services. As a self-proclaimed cheerleader, those in my circle can testify to how loud my support is, especially when they ask for it. In 2024, I’m not holding back. Below are just a few of the goals that I will be working on:

  1. My body fat % will fall to 18% to be considered an athlete, by Equinox’s standards

    It is currently at 22.4% and I am seeing progress within 2 weeks while working with my personal trainer and working out 4-5 times a week.

  2. Decked out patio

    Adding some greenery during the spring will make it as lively as I know it can be. I plan on hosting more and this will give me a reason to want to show off a bit to my guests.

  3. Catch me outside of NYC

    One trip could be within the states, and the other ideally would be outside of the country. I would be happy with any quick trip away from this city.

  4. Upgrade my devices

    My laptop is OLD and runs like it too. My phone is cracked and I can’t use emojis depending on what app I’m using. Setting SMART goals goes a long way and this goal requires some funds that I’ll work on getting to continue living comfortably. I prioritize food and shelter, everything else feels like extra that I am grateful to have.

Only a higher power knows my next moves, but in the meantime, buckle up dragon! This new year’s got another thing coming.

What goals are you working on? Let me know in the comments section!